I have now have had several more articles posted on Ekklesia - see here: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/BobCarling
6 Dec 2010
A leading US proponent of 'Inteligent Design' has been touring the UK to drum up support for his cause, says Bob Carling. But there are good reasons why he is unlikely to convince theologians or scientists with a 'god of the gaps' argument.
9 Nov 2010
Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in our society, and present UK drug classification systems bear little relation to the evidence of harm, according to a drugs expert sacked by the last government. Bob Carling probes behind the headlines and politics to look at the science policy issues and human concerns.
3 Nov 2010
Biodiversity is shorthand for the rich diversity of the natural world on which we live, and it is under threat. Bob Carling examines issues arising from the Conference of the Parties to the Biodiversity Convention (COP10) and the Lausanne 3 global gathering of evangelical Christians.
30 Sep 2010
As with many other areas of public finance, funding for science is under major threat – maybe facing up to 25 per cent reductions, says Bob Carling. Many senior figures feel that proposed cuts will destroy the international excellence of science in the UK.